Guaranteed pass in all English exams…

Guaranteed pass in all English exams

95% of Martin’s Ways students in the last year have managed to pass their English exams, be it those of their respective schools, those of the British Council, TOEFL, IELTS or other tests. And most of them have done it with good grades and surpassing their previous levels. The key for a student to pass a certain exam begins in September, when the school year begins. The Martin’s Ways teacher-coach designs a personalized study plan for the desired exam that the student follows from top to bottom throughout the course, doing the specific work and homework assigned periodically. At the end of the course, as has happened in previous years, it is time to reap the fruits of so much work and effort, the time of the rewards that we want to share with all of you in this article. Congratulations to all of you who have achieved your goals with dedication and sacrifice.

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